After seven months (SEVEN months!) of being pandemic-ed, the thing that has me most excited is being able to work out ~with other people~ at the gym again.
As a CrossFit Gym owner, my family and I were fortunate to be able to continue working out through the six months (SIX months!) New Jersey gyms were closed.
But it just wasn't the same.
You, me and everybody else knows exercise is important. We know we should do it consistently. We know research shows that exercise improves not just our physical health and appearance, but our mental and emotional health, as well.
It also improves our Immune System ~ that thing that helps us fight off viruses and disease.
We know all of this, yet most people I talk to struggle with the doing part. I'm here to encourage you to change that ASAP. And one way to do that is to, not just join a gym; join a CrossFit gym. And here's why...
When I was at my lowest low, mostly because I was overweight, out of shape, unhealthy, and embarrassed about it, a friend INSISTED I go with her to her CrossFit gym. My initial reaction was "CrossFit?! Are you crazy?! They'll kill me!!!"
But I trusted her. And I knew I had to do something, or I'd just become older, fatter and sicker. She was giving me the answer to my problems and I knew it, so I decided to trust her opinion that I can do this and went to the Gym that afternoon.
And what I now know to be part of the CrossFit "brand" or "culture," is the ridiculous amount of support, encouragement, kindness, empathy and down-to-earth, authentic love you receive the first day you walk through that door.
I'm gonna take that back.
On your first day at CrossFit, you'll receive RESPECT. Every single member respects the fact that you got up your courage to attend your first CrossFit class*. (All of us were petrified that first time.)
On your second day, the trainers and other athletes (we refer to them as "athletes" because... well... they really are!) will be TRULY HAPPY to see you! Because they remember that, in some ways, that second day is harder than the first*.
And on your third day, or when you actually decide to join your local CrossFit gym, that's when the down-to-earth, authentic love comes pouring down on you. And that's what fills you up. And that's what brings you back. And that's what creates unique friendships.
Where else are you gonna find that in just a few days?

* CrossFit is inherently (or at least it was for me!) intimidating to most people. The reality is it's not! Our members range in age and ability, from 16-70+++, and from novice to advanced. And each workout is easily up or down scaled to accommodate your level, without the rest of the group ever noticing.
Here's the bottom line...
Walking into any gym feels intimidating, if you consider yourself out-of-shape. The advantage you get at CrossFit, is everyone there remembers feeling intimidated. And they remember how that intimidation quickly turned to feely empowered.
And, because they're awesome people, CrossFit athletes let you know right away, you're gonna be fine! And they can't wait to see you on your second day. They're hoping you'll decide to be part of a group that realizes physical fitness improves every aspect of your life.
And if it's hard, and hurts a little along the way, you can easily handle that because of the amazing, supportive, encouraging people you've surrounded yourself with!
DISCLAIMER: Physical pain IS involved when you begin/begin again to work out your flabby-ass muscles. You can't avoid it.. But whether it's at home, in a gym, or in a CrossFit gym. . . it's always the GOOD KIND OF PAIN!